Hey Geeky fans!
At www.fanssite.be, we go above and beyond to assist our Geeky customers in the best possible way.
We believe in transparency, and sometimes, we encounter challenges with external partners, such as our main suppliers. This can lead to occasional hiccups, like products that might not be available for immediate delivery or, in rare cases, receiving damaged items. Not to worry, though, as this occurs only in about 1 out of 1000 orders, which fortunately is minimal.
Shipping companies can also present occasional challenges. Thankfully, we haven't had many issues with lost packages so far (especially internationally). However, should that happen, rest assured that we will do everything we can to track down and deliver your package to you within 14 days.
You, our amazing customers, are our priority, and we promise to put forth our utmost effort to ensure your packages arrive safe and sound, even when facing external challenges.
If you ever have any complaints or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us via email (info@fanssite.be) or by phone at +32 3 232 31 72, and we'll promptly provide a suitable solution.
Your Geeky satisfaction is our top priority!